Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Beginner Online Guitar Lessons? Are They Right For You?

Let's take a look at a few questions you'll want to ask yourself.

Do I have any guitar experience at all?

If not? Beginner online guitar lessons may be difficult for you to pursue. This all depends on your own self discipline. You see, when you first pick up the guitar and hold down the strings it can be quite difficult. Your hand and fingers naturally want to resist. This is form your hands have never had to use. A lot of beginner guitarist quit shortly after realizing how much it hurts the tips of their fingers and the muscles in their hand from stretching. However, if you realize this and are prepared? Beginner online guitar lessons may be the answer you're looking for.

What does my budget look like?

Well, if you can afford it, private instruction is where I would start. However, I must warn you. This is the most expensive and time consuming option. You will be meeting with your instructor once per week at a minimum of $40/half hour. I can also tell you this; if you haven't been practicing the required 15 min/day at least? You will be wasting your money. The guitar instructor will not go any further if you don't have the lesson plans from last week perfected.

Another cheaper option would be to take class room guitar lessons. Again, I must warn you about the cons. You will not get the required one on one instruction you desire. Every one learns at different speeds and you may find yourself bored or behind and frustrated.

All and all it is probably your best option to take beginner online guitar lessons. The cost is very minimal and with all the different camera angles and lessons available you can't go wrong. Plus, you can't beat the cost. These lessons are between $12.95 and $19.95/mo with the best handpicked instructors in the nation. Also, if you find yourself not catching on? You have video that you can watch over and over again until you get it right.
If you want to learn more about Beginner Online Guitar Lessons? Review the top 4 Online guitar lessons. Click Here!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Sizemore

Forget Guitar Tutors! Online Guitar Courses Are the Answer to Your Prayers!

Learning or improving your guitar playing is now much easier and quicker than you ever thought possible. Gone are the days of hunting through the phone directory or local paper trying to find a suitable guitar tutor, it's now all at your fingertips ( excuse the pun!!) on your computer.

Downloadable tuition courses are the answer. Having dabbled in playing the acoustic for years and never really getting anywhere, I had gotten pretty fed up with once a week lessons which I forgot half of by the time I'd gotten home! I hunted around on the net and looked at several courses, a lot of them are fairly naff so BEWARE. However 2 courses stand out that I've found, Guitar Superstars and Jamorama. Both of these courses are excellent quality and just brimming with content. You honestly can't grow out of this stuff, they cover everything you could ever want from a course. Easy to understand video tutorials and text, which you can watch over and over until you get it down perfectly. Another amazing aspect is the different genres within the courses, imagine having to go out and find a tutor to teach you classical, then find another to teach you blues or metal! What about Flamenco or folk?! It would be impossible! Yet here they all are, all within the same online course, waiting until you're ready to attack them, absolutely everything you could hope to learn is in these courses.

They both differ in several ways from the other, it's just a case of seeing which course fits what you need best. Having done a fair bit of research into the courses, it appears that Jamorama is the more popular course, and I have to say it is a very well loaded course and absolutely worth signing up for. Everything from the basics up is in here, chords, fretwork, following along with well known tunes to making your own solos. Great stuff!

However, I found Guitar Superstars to be superior. The content is massive and easy to follow, but that doesn't mean it's only for beginners. Every level of player is catered for and the video tutorials are brilliant, well thought out and constructed. I think the huge level of different genres available is genius! This course will not leave you wanting for anything. Brilliant!

Good luck in your playing, I hope I've saved you a lot of time trawling the net trying to find a good course.
Steve is an online product reviewer who spends a lot of his free time trawling the net searching and reviewing products and articles that interest him. Online Guitar Tuition is an area that has interested him for some time, due to his rural location. Further reviews and information about online guitar tuition are available by visiting http://onlineguitartuition.weebly.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_G_Coles