Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Which Style of Acoustic Guitar is Hardest to Learn?

To a complete beginner, acoustic guitar is going to be challenging no matter what style you embark upon however it is true that different styles of guitar playing present lesser or more complicated technical problems. If it's just 'acoustic songs around the campfire' you're aiming for then this is certainly one of the easiest levels of acoustic guitar playing to achieve. With a collection of just 3 Universal Strums and 8 to 10 open chord shapes you'll happily be able to play a wide variety of popular songs everyone will know.

Other guitar styles are more dependent on mastering specific techniques such as fingerstyle, or finger picking as it is also known, along with flat picking and other guitar techniques. Since these playing techniques must first be mastered before a student is able to perform their chosen style of music, the process is longer and harder to achieve. Guitar styles can also be based upon a particular performer such as James Taylor, a quality artist will often play in their own signature way and if you are a fan of their music it's not uncommon to find students wanting to replicate the techniques they employ throughout their songs.

Acoustic guitar can also be made harder to learn by the amount of music theory required by the style of music. For example, it's true that to play Jazz guitar is going to require a higher awareness and understanding of harmony and scales that that of blues guitar which is a simpler style. The decision about what you'd like to learn on guitar should always come from your heart as therein will lie your true motivation and pleasure. Let that be your decider.
The author is an excellent guitar instructor. Be sure to visit his website for great guides to practicing acoustic guitar and learning acoustic guitar

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Payo_W_Perry

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