Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Beginner Online Guitar Lessons? Are They Right For You?

Let's take a look at a few questions you'll want to ask yourself.

Do I have any guitar experience at all?

If not? Beginner online guitar lessons may be difficult for you to pursue. This all depends on your own self discipline. You see, when you first pick up the guitar and hold down the strings it can be quite difficult. Your hand and fingers naturally want to resist. This is form your hands have never had to use. A lot of beginner guitarist quit shortly after realizing how much it hurts the tips of their fingers and the muscles in their hand from stretching. However, if you realize this and are prepared? Beginner online guitar lessons may be the answer you're looking for.

What does my budget look like?

Well, if you can afford it, private instruction is where I would start. However, I must warn you. This is the most expensive and time consuming option. You will be meeting with your instructor once per week at a minimum of $40/half hour. I can also tell you this; if you haven't been practicing the required 15 min/day at least? You will be wasting your money. The guitar instructor will not go any further if you don't have the lesson plans from last week perfected.

Another cheaper option would be to take class room guitar lessons. Again, I must warn you about the cons. You will not get the required one on one instruction you desire. Every one learns at different speeds and you may find yourself bored or behind and frustrated.

All and all it is probably your best option to take beginner online guitar lessons. The cost is very minimal and with all the different camera angles and lessons available you can't go wrong. Plus, you can't beat the cost. These lessons are between $12.95 and $19.95/mo with the best handpicked instructors in the nation. Also, if you find yourself not catching on? You have video that you can watch over and over again until you get it right.
If you want to learn more about Beginner Online Guitar Lessons? Review the top 4 Online guitar lessons. Click Here!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Sizemore

Forget Guitar Tutors! Online Guitar Courses Are the Answer to Your Prayers!

Learning or improving your guitar playing is now much easier and quicker than you ever thought possible. Gone are the days of hunting through the phone directory or local paper trying to find a suitable guitar tutor, it's now all at your fingertips ( excuse the pun!!) on your computer.

Downloadable tuition courses are the answer. Having dabbled in playing the acoustic for years and never really getting anywhere, I had gotten pretty fed up with once a week lessons which I forgot half of by the time I'd gotten home! I hunted around on the net and looked at several courses, a lot of them are fairly naff so BEWARE. However 2 courses stand out that I've found, Guitar Superstars and Jamorama. Both of these courses are excellent quality and just brimming with content. You honestly can't grow out of this stuff, they cover everything you could ever want from a course. Easy to understand video tutorials and text, which you can watch over and over until you get it down perfectly. Another amazing aspect is the different genres within the courses, imagine having to go out and find a tutor to teach you classical, then find another to teach you blues or metal! What about Flamenco or folk?! It would be impossible! Yet here they all are, all within the same online course, waiting until you're ready to attack them, absolutely everything you could hope to learn is in these courses.

They both differ in several ways from the other, it's just a case of seeing which course fits what you need best. Having done a fair bit of research into the courses, it appears that Jamorama is the more popular course, and I have to say it is a very well loaded course and absolutely worth signing up for. Everything from the basics up is in here, chords, fretwork, following along with well known tunes to making your own solos. Great stuff!

However, I found Guitar Superstars to be superior. The content is massive and easy to follow, but that doesn't mean it's only for beginners. Every level of player is catered for and the video tutorials are brilliant, well thought out and constructed. I think the huge level of different genres available is genius! This course will not leave you wanting for anything. Brilliant!

Good luck in your playing, I hope I've saved you a lot of time trawling the net trying to find a good course.
Steve is an online product reviewer who spends a lot of his free time trawling the net searching and reviewing products and articles that interest him. Online Guitar Tuition is an area that has interested him for some time, due to his rural location. Further reviews and information about online guitar tuition are available by visiting http://onlineguitartuition.weebly.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_G_Coles

Monsters of Folk Debut Self Titled Album Review

Monsters of Folk is an indie folk rock "supergroup" that released their debut (self titled) album in 2009. The band's name is a reference to the "Monsters of Rock" type infomercials that one can often find on TV in the middle of the night. The band is made up of the members of Bright Eyes (Conor Oberst & Mike Mognis), My Morning Jacket (Jim James), and She & Him (M. Ward - who has also released many great solo albums.)

Like many indie rock fans I was looking forward to the release of this album as soon as I heard about it. I'm a pretty big fan of their work seperately and it seemed likely that they would gel together in an interesting way.

Now that I've heard the album I think it's actually better than I was expecting.

It's creative in ways I wasn't anticipating. For example; the first song "Dear God (MOF)" combines a sample driven (think Beta Band) style with a soul 70s R&B vibe (think Marvin Gaye.)

The album is filled with so many great catchy songs with excellent arrangements (with lots of cool harmonies, it's awesome to hear these guys all singing together) that it almost sounds like a "greatest hits" type compilation (which makes the name of the band fit even better.)

It sounds to me like f the members of the band took their best work to the table in an effort to make something really special and I think they've succeeded. This is definitely among the albums of the year, in my opinion. If you enjoy any of these artists in their usual gigs, I think you will enjoy Monsters of Folk.
Dear God is a standout track from Monsters of Folk.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jackson_Weinheimer

Gwen Stefani - Why We Love Her

With today's celebrity obsessed world, we can't help but read about

There's one famous person, though, who always catches our eye and gets us to sit up and pay attention - Gwen Stefani. Why Gwen Stefani? What is it about her that we love so much, to the point where we can't get enough of her? It's a combination of reasons, really, beginning with her tremendous sense of style.

Gwen Stefani always looks great, whether she's on stage, on the red carpet, or just walking down the street. Her sense of style and fashion is not necessarily mainstream, but it's not outlandish, either. Gwen knows her stuff and her outfits are cool and trendy without coming across as cheap or too skimpy.

Her incredible fashion sense naturally led her to launch her own line of clothing and accessories (called L.A.M.B.) in 2004, and they have been best sellers ever since. L.A.M.B., one of the hottest lables around as the clothing is chic, fashionable and light hearted all at the same time. From stylish t-shirts to tank dresses and styling jackets, the L.A.M.B. collection is perfect for celebrities as well as everyday people like you and me. The styles are often seen as Asian-inspired as well as South American-inspired, bringing international flair to every single piece.

For her more cost-conscious followers, Gwen introduced the Harajuku Lovers line in 2005, and it has been a runaway success as well. Focused on clothing as well as other pieces (lingerie, accessories, fragrances, leather goods, etc.), This collection has been a great seller from the word go. It's easy to understand why when you get a look at just how exciting (and even practical) the pieces are for the person looking for exceptional style without having to spend a fortune.

So why is it we love Gwen Stefani so much? It's a combination of things, really, from her music to her sense of style to her forward-thinking fashion lines and more. You can always count on Gwen Stefani to be chic, stylish, and extremely well put together regardless of where she goes and what she's doing. There's nobody else like her, that's for sure!
Get the greatest fashion for less at Goddiva

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suzie_Sweet

Music Making Software - Create Your Own Music From Home

Now anyone can make their own music with the use of your home computer. The magic of the online world has brought music making software right to the comfort of your own home. You do not need to buy any musical accessories. You can just sit at home on your PC and create a whole lot of music by using a music beat producer or a beat making software.

Creating your own music from home, all you really need is a computer, although you may have want to have some good speakers connected to it. Imagine not having to buy all the instruments, and objects needed to create the music. Its all coming from your PC! The software is very user-friendly interface that can easily follow your instructions, and the first time you try it, you will get the hang of it.

Produce Music with homemade Music Making Software:

People interested in music are given a great chance to make music online. The online world has opened itself to the music software that affords people the chance to also learn how to make music from their very own home. The individuals creativity is made better here with the use of the DIY at home music making software and more people become attached to creating their own music. People who love music are given the opportunity to be exposed and learn the different music genres. This gives them the chance to get their work out and hopefully become famous

This music software is gaining a lot of attention to future artists. Professional quality music is now made possible by this software in the comfort of your home, and in front of your computer, you can create different melodies and tunes that can be completed in no time at all, and at the same time achieving high quality music.

Some of the benefits of using the music making software are:

1) The Software is user friendly.

2) Saves you a ton of money.

3) Money Back Guarantee.

4) Works on Both Mac and PC.

5) Once again... It gives a 100 percent money-back, satisfaction-guarantee!!.

6) The cost of the software is affordable.
Are you interested in making music from your very own home? The author as created a website that is dedicated to making music programs. Check out his website by Clicking Here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_A_Schultz

Guitar Music Theory For Kids and Beginners - Part 6 - Moveable Chord Forms

Do you know all or most of your basic open position chords? Stop thinking of them as mere chords. Start thinking of them as movable chord forms -- Movable by the Chromatic Scale.

There are a whole bunch of open position chords, but let's talk about the 8 most basic ones: A, C, D, E, G, Am, Dm, and Em.

A [ 0 0 2 2 2 0 ]

C [ x 3 2 0 1 0 ]

D [ x 0 0 2 3 2 ]

E [ 0 2 2 1 0 0 ]

G [ 3 2 0 0 0 3 ]

Am [ 0 0 2 2 1 0 ]

Dm [ x 0 0 2 3 1 ]

Em [ 0 2 2 0 0 0 ]

Of these 8, let's single out 4 of them for special attention. The first thing to do is to change the fingering.

First, the A chord [ 0 0 2 2 2 0 ]. Play this by using your 3rd finger as a mini, or baby bar across the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th strings instead of with your 1st 3 fingers. This frees up your 1st finger. Make sure that all of the notes are clear -- except don't worry too much about getting the 1st string clear. That's hard for all of us to do.

Second, the E chord [ 0 2 2 1 0 0 ].Play this chord with fingers 2, 3, and 4 instead of your 1st 3 fingers -- Again, freeing up your 1st finger.

Third, the Am chord [ 0 0 2 2 1 0 ]. Play with fingers 2, 3, and 4. You guessed it - It frees up your 1st finger.

Lastly, the Em chord [ 0 2 2 0 0 0 ]. Play with your 3rd and 4th fingers, thereby again, freeing up your 1st finger.

Why do I want to finger these chords this way making sure that the 1st finger is freed up? We're going to use the 1st finger to make a movable nut on the guitar.

Movable nut? What's that?

The nut on your guitar is that plastic or bone thing with grooves in it on the top of the neck where the strings flow over. If we were able to move the nut further up the net, we would raise the pitch of all of the notes. What we are going to do is to use the first finger to do just that.

But before we do, let's talk about the Chromatic Scale:

A A#/Bb B C C#/Db D D#/Eb E F F#/Gb G G#/Ab A etc.->

This is a 1/2 step scale. In other words, the distance between each note is 1/2 step. Guess what? The frets on your guitar are also half steps, making the neck of your guitar a chromatic scale. Your strings are also chromatic scales starting from each string name. Not only that, but the relationship of each string to the other would be the same if you were able to move the nut up and down the neck of your guitar.

What this means is that all of the chords that you know in the open position are movable by the chromatic scale -- the starting point of each scale being the chord name.

For example, let's look at those 4 chords that we singled out - A, E, Am, and Em. Note that we freed up the 1st finger on each of these chords.

For the A chord, take that mini bar that you made with your 3rd finger and move it higher up the neck 1 fret (1/2 step). Now, because we moved the chord up 1 fret, we have to move the nut up 1 fret or 1/2 step. We do this by taking our newly freed up 1st finger, and creating a new nut by barring it across all 6 of the strings.

Your 1st finger will complain at first until you get used to it.

So what is this new chord called? Look at the Chromatic Scale and ask yourself what is 1/2 step above A. The answer is A#/Bb. Remember frets and 1/2 steps on your guitar are the same. If we moved this whole thing up one more fret (1/2 step) we would have a B chord. Move it again 1 fret up (1/2 step) gives us a C chord, etc.

Do the same thing with the other 3 chords (E, Am, and Em). Practice going up and down the neck and memorize these chords.

What about the other basic chords (C, D, G, Dm)? You could do this with these chords also as long as you changed your fingering to free up your 1st finger.

The truth, however, is that unless you happen to be a classical guitar player, you don't see it very often. For good reason -- It's very difficult. You may see it done with the C chord once in a while, but not the others.

For the D chord, merely move the chord up and down the neck as is. The only issue is that you now cannot play the last 3 strings. It is a 3 string chord only.

For the G chord, we will create a mini bar with the 1st finger over the 1st 4 strings only (instead of all 6). Use your 4th finger on the 1st string. The bottom 2 strings are not played.

The Dm chord is like the D chord -- It's a 3 note chord.

If you know other open position chords, these are also movable, though if there are any strings that shouldn't be played, you'll have to figure that out.

Suddenly all of your chords are now movable chord forms, dramatically increasing the number of chords that you know and the number of "crayons in your box". You can see that understanding and memorizing the Chromatic Scale is the key here.
James Emery Vigh is an independent film maker and author of guitar courses for kids and adults. His current project uses animation and live footage to teach the guitar to kids. For more information, please visit http://www.profbruno.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Emery_Vigh

Songwriting - Blues Never Felt So Good - Photo Radar Love is Born

Songwriting is one of those very ethereal, hard-to-explain phenomenons. All I know is that it sure feels good. I just wrote a blues tune the other day about an experience I had on Arizona Interstate Highway 17. I got one of those maddening photo radar tickets. You may already know how that feels. You don't even realize you're busted until the $181 ticket shows up in the mail with a picture of your vehicle and your mug in the driver's seat. God, so infuriating!

However, the silver lining to it all is that this song poured out of me. It happened quickly, as if by Divine Intervention, and "Photo Radar Love" was born. I wrote it in 2 days, recorded it on my handy-dandy Canon Powershot video camera, and immediately uploaded it to YouTube (which means it automatically gets picked up by iLike (a MySpace video property), Google Reader, Twitter and Facebook. Talk about instant gratification!

Here are the lyrics:

PHOTO RADAR LOVE, by Grant Brad Gerver, 12-11-2009

I know I'm being watched, the Man's a robot on the road
Better watch your speed, and roll with the flow
Going 5 over the limit, but no more than that
If you get careless, a photo stabs you right in the back

Heading down to Phoenix on I-17,
An innocent trip if you know what I mean
Goin' to see Lynny at Sierra Agency
My foot got the best of me and I proceeded to speed

Photo Radar Love
Photo Radar Love
You're gonna get caught

Got my baby with me, we throw caution to the wind
We're gettin' real close and it ends up skin to skin
Next thing I know, a flash of light crashes through
Snapped me bein' naughty, what the hell can I do

The speed signs keep a' changin' so you better watch your step
Got to slow it down, cuz a photo's comin' next
Should I wear a mask, or use binoculars
I try to go the limit, but I tell you I am cursed

Photo Radar Love
Photo Radar Love
You're gonna get caught

Round the next bend, with no more notice than a sign
Photo radar perches to nail my behind
Didn't see it comin' like I wished I would
No way to avert the coming photographic flood

I am law abiding, least I'm on the the right track
But boy it caught me good, red-handed to the max
Breaking the law just ain't my thing
Now I'm a vehicular criminal caught in a sting

Photo Radar Love
Photo Radar Love
You're gonna get caught

It's highway robbery and a state-wide scam
You do your best to comply but one false move, then WHAM!
Cruise control is no sure bet, it can't read signs
Just when you feel secure, you hit the radar land mine

The State thinks it's hit the profit pot of gold
The citizens are sitting ducks along the road
I hope some State officials get their pictures taken too
See how they like it when one-eighty-one ($181) comes due

Photo Radar Love
Photo Radar Love
You're gonna get caught

While I've been writing songs for many years, how they come about will always be a mystery to me. You could call songwriting a happy accident, or magic, or some other flaky term, but I try not to question or explain it much. It really just happens. I accept any song that comes my way, and most of all, I am very grateful for the gift that has been given me.

I admit to being a shameless self-promoter, but nothing feels better than when folks actually get to experience for themselves the songs you have written. I hope you'll give it a listen yourself. With the mind-blowing technological playground in which we live available to us all 24/7, writing songs and having them "out there" for the whole world to hear is just too irresistible. I hope you will follow my lead and create whatever it is that turns you on, whether it be music, art, photography, writing, you name it. Then, display it for all the world to see. It is as rewarding as it is addictive.
Grant Brad Gerver is an entrepreneur and creative consultant for Filibi, a classified and online coupon advertising site and home business. He's also a YouTube Channel blues singer-songwriter and guitar player with The Buzzard Brothers. Additionally, Grant writes political humor, thousands of bumper stickers, and humorous movie reviews. He has also worked with various companies as a product-naming specialist. He's a retired elementary school teacher and published children's author who works in the health care field.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Grant_Gerver

Creating an Amazing Lyric in Spite of a Not So Clever Title!

In spite of the fact that most publishers state they are "seeking clever titles and concepts" not every title has to be all that clever to get the nod. For example, the Trisha Yearwood hit "Georgia Rain" has a simple, straightforward title. The concept is also direct:

The singer returns to the geographic area where she experienced a love relationship in her youth she apparently never fully got over and realizes that what she has been memorializing as possibly the "love of her life" with her "soulmate" was likely little more than a teen age fling to her ex-boyfriend. He moved on, she never really did.

The lyric of GR has movement in terms of time, place and the singer's internal thought processes, but throughout, the song's only real purpose is to capture the feeling she had at that moment of recognition of the truth. And that it does magnificently.

Shades of Deana Carter's "Strawberry Wine"? Absolutely, it delivers that same melacholy vibe. But GR is approached in such a different manner it stands completely on its own.

As the song unfolds, it's raining once again as the singer mentally visits the place she and the singee first made love one evening on the hood of a Ford pickup truck while the Georgia rain poured down. As she reminisces about their brief relationship, the words and music combine to create a cohesive package that invokes the intended response in the listener.

A huge part of what makes the lyric work (and stand out enough to be published) is the way the songwriters took what could have been very common cliched lines and instead found fresh ways to say them:

Instead of "The moon was out that night" they chose to present us with "half a moon peekin' down at us". It doesn't sound earth shattering, but to a song publisher looking for originality it's close to that. "Peeking out" is the perfect way to describe a moon that was partially obscured by clouds. And what better way to describe an entity that is witnessing two naked frolicking teens? "Don't peek now!" It reveals just how much thought went into that one short phrase.

But the lines that first clue us in to the fact that they made love in a very intense fashion is an undeniably awesome piece of writing: "And I don't remember what was poundin' more, Heart in my chest or the hood of that Ford..."

The listener immediately grasps not only what happened, but also how very deeply she felt about the experience. It's very easy to "put yourself there" and experience that combination of love and lust vicariously. As a side note, one thing you can learn from this song is how important it is to stay on point. If you find yourself trying to veer from your song's one basic concept, prune back and use the clippings to grow another song, it belongs to some other lyric.

This work is packed with vivid imagery and fresh takes on tired lines. You'd do yourself a great service to look it up and add this technique- replace average lines with fresh ideas- to your bag of tricks. Look over your lyric and, as often as possible, find a more interesting way to say it!
Bill Watson is the owner of http://www.playitagaindemos.com which is a demo service for songwriters and song publishers. He has also written magazine articles for publications as diverse as Small Business Opportunities, Entertainment Weekly and Sports Afield. His book "Guitar Shop: A Beginner's Guide To Learning Rhythm and Lead Guitar" was #1 in its category on Amazon.com for nearly two years.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_E_Watson

Which Style of Acoustic Guitar is Hardest to Learn?

To a complete beginner, acoustic guitar is going to be challenging no matter what style you embark upon however it is true that different styles of guitar playing present lesser or more complicated technical problems. If it's just 'acoustic songs around the campfire' you're aiming for then this is certainly one of the easiest levels of acoustic guitar playing to achieve. With a collection of just 3 Universal Strums and 8 to 10 open chord shapes you'll happily be able to play a wide variety of popular songs everyone will know.

Other guitar styles are more dependent on mastering specific techniques such as fingerstyle, or finger picking as it is also known, along with flat picking and other guitar techniques. Since these playing techniques must first be mastered before a student is able to perform their chosen style of music, the process is longer and harder to achieve. Guitar styles can also be based upon a particular performer such as James Taylor, a quality artist will often play in their own signature way and if you are a fan of their music it's not uncommon to find students wanting to replicate the techniques they employ throughout their songs.

Acoustic guitar can also be made harder to learn by the amount of music theory required by the style of music. For example, it's true that to play Jazz guitar is going to require a higher awareness and understanding of harmony and scales that that of blues guitar which is a simpler style. The decision about what you'd like to learn on guitar should always come from your heart as therein will lie your true motivation and pleasure. Let that be your decider.
The author is an excellent guitar instructor. Be sure to visit his website for great guides to practicing acoustic guitar and learning acoustic guitar

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Payo_W_Perry

Are Branded Guitars Cheaper Online?

It is a dream of every guitar lover to have a branded guitar, just like his or her rock idols. Unfortunately, most of these amateurs are unable to afford such a guitar, due to its sky reaching prices, and hence their dream is shattered. However, there is a solution to make these dreams come true. This solution lies in the online guitar market.

Guitars, just like other items, are available online through a variety of ways. These ways give the guitar freaks many options, depending on their tastes, preferences, styles, and most importantly, price ranges. These include the own official sites, auction sites, classifieds, and blogs.

One is amazed to see a variety of aspects available to the guitar lovers today, which was not available to the guitar lovers of 80s. They did not have the global enigma that we call the internet. Since you get a lot more options as compared all the physical guitar shops even in your whole country, you will definitely get a cheaper rate on the internet.

You can start by browsing the websites of various famous guitar brands like Gibson, Fender, Yamaha, Oviaiton, Martin, and many others. These big names are only recommended for professionals, or for those who have too much extra money to throw. For a beginner, brands like Carvin, Argogo, and Benedetto can also serve the purpose, as they just need it to ignite their inner passion for the thing, and the shortage in their finances is the only thing stopping them from buying the guitars in most cases.

There are also a few websites, which list the most famous brands of guitars, and their websites, along with their positive attributes. For example, Fender, one of the best when it comes to guitar brands line-up, and famous for their custom-made guitars, Gibson with their speciality in the high quality acoustic guitars, and Yamaha, famous for their original designs. This detailed info will not be given to you in a physical guitar shop.

Auctions sites are also a great place to look for cheap guitars. In these portals, even musicians have sometimes posted their antique guitars, and they are on bid for thousands of dollars. If you are lucky, you can find the one exactly matching your finances. Such auctions are also conducted outside the virtual world, but they are quite rare, as compared to the internet, where you can find hundreds of auction sites.

Online-classified websites are yet another alternative, where you can browse, and search for the "musical instruments" category, or maybe "miscellaneous", where you will find a variety of prices, most of which will surely lie in your price window. Also, keep guitar sale blogs included in your hunt. They also offer a nice deal in most of the times. You can buy guitars online and there a many sites providing huge discounts.

It is time to stop partially fulfilling your dream by playing Guitar Hero, and buy a real one by simply opening your web browser, and connecting to the internet world, where everything can be found cheaper.
Hussey James is a musician. You can take his help and tips to Buy guitars online at his recommended website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hussey_James

Networking Tips For the Music Business - The Real Way to Network in the Music Industry

Tons of business owners, managers and musicians network, but perhaps the most tedious networking job is that of a person in the music business. Most of us are guilty of clutter and disorganization when it comes to networking in the music industry, so here are some tips on getting it done successfully.

The first thing you need to do is have a clear cut goal. I can't tell how much this makes all the sense in the world for networking in the music business. You must write down your goal. I know you may think it's just a waste of time but unless you do this, you are not serious. I'm not speaking on a life goal, I mean your goal for networking. A good place to start is ask yourself this question: What do I want to accomplish with my music business networking? Is it getting on your favorite television show. Then you need to contact that show or find a booking agent. You don't need 50 business cards from barber shops so you can put out fliers unless your goal is: Getting people to hear and read your name.

Second you need to begin to organize yourself. Where do your important business cards go when you get them? On a table, in a drawer, under the bed, that's not organized. You need to keep them in a binder. Any office store sells business card holder slides. Only keep cards in your folder that have a direct relation to what you want to do in the music industry. It's a good idea to have someone type up the email addresses in your online address book, you never know when you may need them.

Now here's a useful checklist to networking in the music business:

1.) Learn to remember people's name at least 30 minutes after you meet them. (There are some books on this subject.)
2.) Always call your new contacts and stay in touch with them once a month through the phone or email.
3.) Giveaway products and services from time to time to your key contacts. (Yes giveaway means free)
4.) Attend key contacts events from time to time. If you know a key DJ is throwing a party or at a club, stop in. You'll be surprised at how valuable this is.
5.) Have more than one business card designed. One for music business people another for fans and another for media people. Unless you want your fans calling you at home.
6.) Listen to your new point of contact and look for a need that they have. A good question is what do you want to get done in the next sixty days? Once you find a need see if you can fill it.
7.) Build a long lasting relationship with all your contacts. Think of this person as someone in the industry that you will know for the rest of your life and not just a day.
8.) Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, if you never ask you might not ever receive.
9.) Establish yourself with other known musicians. A great way to do this is advertising on music websites like this one. Most sites do pay per click, hit or flat rate for per month.
10.) Go to shows of other artist in your genre and pass out fliers, meet the artist and club owners.
The author Trete Lo has produced independent films that include comedian Katt Williams and the late legendary Pimp C and also writes for many music websites including his own. http://www.undergroundsouthconnection.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trete_Lo

Enjoy the Music at Ravinia Festival

The Ravinia Festival is an annual music festival that is held at Ravinia Park in Chicago, Illinois. This music festival is known as the oldest outdoor music festival held in the United States and has been held uninterrupted since 1936. The music festival is actually not limited to a one day concert but rather takes on the form of a number of concerts spread out over a couple of days during the US summer from the months of June to September.

The outdoor festival which his held in Highland Park just a short distance north of Chicago city is an outdoor entertainment extravaganza. The festival is not limited to a genre of music and features a variety of bands and artistes of different styles from hip hop, blues, soul and contemporary to classical music. The Ravinia Festival is known among its patron as dishing out music from B.B. King to Beethoven!

The best seats at the festival are usually in the pavilion which can hold up to 3,200 people these tickets usually have to be purchased in advance and are known as reserved seats. But many music fans prefer to use the lawn, where they can lie down and listen to the music dished out by the performers. General admission tickets can be used for entering the lawn area and many fans opt to bring their own food with them and enjoy a lovely picnic accompanied by great music. Of course one can also chose the more expensive option of purchasing food at one of the many on site restaurants and food stalls or order a gourmet meal in advance; the gourmet meal usually comes with a bottle of wine that perfectly compliments the music.

The park itself is great location; the landscaped lawns and the elegant sculpture provide the perfect setting for an outdoor concert. However it is recommended that visitors stay or a night concert, where the dim lights and the parkland create a wonderfully romantic ambience. All in all it is a festival that must be experienced and the main attraction of it is the variety of entertainment that is dished out from Broadway to Classical to Pop, the Ravinia Festival has it all!

Traveling to Ravinia from Chicago is quite convenient and it is recommended that visitors book a hotel in Chicago. Many Chicago hotels offer great deals during the Ravinia Festival as it is a popular event that draws in many tourists from all over the US.
James Cook is an executive working for Hotelseye, which is a popular online reservation portal with a wide collection of Chicago hotels and also this portal also it provides services links to Chicago travel such as car rentals and flight reservations.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_V_Cook

Printable Piano Sheet Music - Just in Time For Christmas

As Christmas approaches, now is the time to dig out your old favorite Christmas carols. We hear them every year, but these timeless classics never lose their charm. Their graceful and majestic melodies are well suited to piano, plus they're great for beginners or more advanced players. The "Classic Christmas Songs" collection features printable piano sheet music for sixteen of our most well-known and beloved Christmas carols.

The printable piano music in this collection is in a clear and easy to read format, and also includes the complete traditional lyrics. The piano music includes both Treble and Bass clef, making it great for mastering playing with both hands and is a great introduction to more advanced musical notation. Some printable piano sheet music of Christmas carols only include the basic melody, but this collection includes the complete harmonies, in a beautiful arrangement for piano.

With the tunes so familiar to most people, Christmas songs make reading music so much easier. Beginners may find that it's easiest starting with just the Treble clef of the slower carols, like 'Silent Night'. More advanced players may find the upbeat 'Deck the Hall' more challenging. The variety in this collection of printable piano music, means there's something to suit players of all levels.

Christmas is drawing closer each day, so there's no time to delay! Why waste time hunting for piano sheet music in stores or waiting weeks for a song book to arrive by post? Save yourself the hassle, by downloading printable piano sheet music that you can start using today!
If you're looking for printable sheet music, check out this great collection of Classic Christmas Songs that's available for download now! Featuring classic Christmas carols such as: 'Away in a Manger', 'O Come All Ye Faithful', 'Joy to the World', and many more. Get your copy and start singing or playing carols today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Troy_Johns